With close to 300 episodes, SpongeBob SquarePants has a massive following. Nickelodeon owned cartoon series quickly gained global traction as many kids and adults were into the series. Now that it’s been more than 20 years since the first episode of the series aired on Nickelodeon, the popularity of the cartoon is at a whole different level now. Even the 90s kids that grew up watching SpongeBob SquarePants are still interested in the series.
What is SpongeGlock SquarePants game?
The SpongeGlock SquarePants is a game that’s designed to be a spinoff of the original cartoon series, in a funky way. While there are plenty of games made by community members, SpongeGlock SquarePants is a game that sticks out.
You play as SpongeBob, holding a Glock handgun without the main objective. Since it’s a game that’s developed by a community member, Mix Morris – don’t expect long gameplay hours. You can easily beat the game in less than an hour.
SpongeGlock SquarePants indie game is a game that’s going to be loved by speedrunners as it doesn’t feature much dialogue and has a bunch of shooting scenes.
How to enter fullscreen SpongeGlock SquarePants?
Enter the fullscreen by pressing ALT+Enter. This not only works for the SpongeGlock SquarePants game but any other game that you run into the same problem.
SpongeGlock SquarePants available platforms
SpongeGlock SquarePants is currently available only on Microsoft Windows. If you’re on macOS, Linux, or even mobile, you have to wait for the developer to release the game on these platforms. It generally takes some time to release these kinds of games on other operating systems but considering that SpongeGlock SquarePants is a community-driven game, it’s unlikely that it’s going to see a release on other platforms than Microsoft Windows.